What I wore sunday

What I Wore Sunday #13

What I Wore Sunday #13

Haaaaayyyyyeeee! Roight hare we ahhhhre with FL&P. This Sunday was beautiful. The not so beautiful part is that my oldest two have this old man hacking cough and Craig stayed home with them because is it not ABSOLUTELY FRIGHTENING to sit in front of two clearly very contagious sniveling, slurping, hacking toddlers who have barely…

What I Wore Sunday #12

Halloh theer. Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogw– waiiiiit… What I Wore Sunday. I’m currently tangled up in a handful of books that I’d like to be reading, but I can’t.  I just can’t at the moment.  The entire Harry Potter series is among them.  Every Autumn since I was a freshman in highschool (10+…

What I Wore Sunday #10

What I Wore Sunday #10

WUH-WUH-Welcome to this week’s What I Wore Sunday Post with FL&P! ‘Twas a busy weekend full of Zoo chaos. Sweaty Zoo chaos. Craig, my bro-in-law, AND my little bro all work together. For the same company. How excellent is that? It really is. They enjoy it, and boy do my sister and I enjoy commiserating…