
7 Quick Takes #22

7 Quick Takes #22

What? It’s friday? Yah. Hey Jen & all you other Quick Takers! This week has been stuck on Monday. I feel like I’ve blacked-out and OD’d on housewifery. Craig’s finishing up a particularly heavy load of course work for school and has been gone from sun up til about 10pm three nights this week. I…

[youtube] This is such a wonderful talk representative of Catholic views.  While she’s not the most eloquent speaker -she’s nervous and not very fluid- she makes profound and thought-provoking statements that opponents of NFP and pro-life views often times -to me personally, anyway- reject or have not pondered before.  Think deeper than the “band-aid”….


This series of articles is written by a Cathsorority sister, Katie.  She’s a medical student and explains NFP in such a way that it’s easy for anyone to understand what it’s about.  I hope anyone who thinks they “know” what NFP is, but has never actually read about it, to check these well-written articles out….