
5 Favorites Link-up #1

5 Favorites Link-up #1

Yesss!  Another fun link-up upon which I shall piggyback!  This one is hosted by the adorable Moxie Wife.  5 of my favorites?! -1- My earrings. Sarah Mae posted a few  MANY months back (I just tried to search her archives and can’t find her post) about keeping motivated to manage housework. She suggests that if we…

7 Quick Takes Friday #8

-1- I’ve never had dreams of food -that I can recall- however, I dreamt of melting butter last week, when I had meant only to thaw it.  Then, in real life, I woke up going  ”hmm, that’s strange.” because I am a diligent thawer of something as delicate as butter.  And wouldn’t you know, later that…