Emmett James

The Story of Emmett James’s Birth. I was nearing my due date, December 23rd, 2010, and to everyone around me, very obviously uncomfortable and anxious, as all mommas are the last weeks of their pregnancy. It was Christmas time and I had channelled my ‘nesting’ instinct into getting shopping and wrapping completed.  I actually completed…

I only reblog if it’s something worth-while or life changing…. I normally don’t care for nail art. But I love nail color, and I love French culture, Soooo mix it and I have to love it! SooooOOOoo cute! Trés mignon!

Two stories can be told by this photo. Story One: Not 15 minutes after photographing this sparse montage of Lexington’s brooms, it got pooped on. I’m not joking! Lexington has been slowly and gently potty-training. I’m not a pusher and sometimes when I ask him if he wants to try he tells me no. I…