7 Quick Takes Friday #29 {Phat Beats, Anniversary, and My Coast Guard Cousin Who Rocks}

7 Quick Takes Friday #29 {Phat Beats, Anniversary, and My Coast Guard Cousin Who Rocks}

–1– Looking for a 90’s thowback song with a phatter beat than you ever knew existed? Here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM-sugZnpFk It’s ONLY the audio because I detest music videos and think they have a fantastic ability to completely ruin an experience of a song, especially if the videos are anything like what Bastille tends to…

7 Quick Takes Friday #37 (some) Stuff Making Me Laugh Right Meow.

7 Quick Takes Friday #37 (some) Stuff Making Me Laugh Right Meow.

Linking up with my favorite, Conversion Diary for my favorite: 7 Quick Takes Friday. Always a fun read everywhere. –1– My boys enjoy watching a YouTube channel called KidsTV123.  It’s educational and all that nonsense, but the reason I like it is because every video is a song, sung John Mayer-style, accompanied with acoustic strummings.  Not…