The Mass

What I Wore Sunday #13

What I Wore Sunday #13

Haaaaayyyyyeeee! Roight hare we ahhhhre with FL&P. This Sunday was beautiful. The not so beautiful part is that my oldest two have this old man hacking cough and Craig stayed home with them because is it not ABSOLUTELY FRIGHTENING to sit in front of two clearly very contagious sniveling, slurping, hacking toddlers who have barely…

7 Quick Takes #25

7 Quick Takes #25

A late 7 Quick Takes, and I apologize in advance, they’re not quick. Always a pleasure to join Jennifer Fulwiler at Conversion Diary. –1– I’m putting this out there right away: I’ve been working on a post, and scheduled it for next week- about the Catholic Mass, and why it’s so BORRRRINGGGG. This has proved…

What I Wore Sunday

Another link-up in which I love participating is What I Wore Sunday over at Fine Linen & Purple.  I think probably everyone has, at some time or does currently, fret over what is appropriate attire for Mass, or at least have once desperately exclaimed,  “WHAT do I have to wear at all?!?”.  I have a blog entry…