1. I wish I’da been smart enough to get into graphics. No I studied the romantic drawing naked people stuff and printmaking. Big money!

  1. Och Aye. When you graduate as an English Major, people come to you as a doctor for the verbal afflictions.
    Trust me, I sympathize. Especially since almost every word people think is incorrect is only kinda sorta incorrect and you spend twenty minutes discussing etymology and potential derivatives before you see their eyes glaze over and you say, “you know what, just look it up in the OED.”

    I’m thinking about starting an Académie française except, you know, for english.

    Also, here is this amazingly written article I thought you’d like if you hadn’t seen it already. http://america.aljazeera.com/articles/2014/4/1/contraception-birthcontrolfertilitypill.html

    1. I love it. That’s why I love language so much! The ability to be always kinda right or kinda wrong is seriously a thrill. A nerdy thrill, I guess. And I’m not even that great at it! After you shared that article, I’ve seen it cropping up all over. I haven’t gotten a chance to read yet, but I’m waiting for nap time to do so. Thank you :)

  2. yay! phonology and etymology! Since my new job offers free education I’m looking into getting my MA in Linguistics and phonology is what I want to specialize in. this post made me very :D plus the lady drawing with the smirk, ha! loves it.

    1. Betsy! Free? DO EET! That’s how Craig is able to finish his degree (his company pays tuition based on grades). I am fascinated by that subject! …except I don’t think I’d ever heard the word phonology until your comment. But it sounds wondrous!

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